Abstract Pawłowska
Territorial Partnerships – Utilitarian Constructions or Genuine Ingenuities. The Case of Local Action Groups in Sub-Carpathia.
Agnieszka Pawłowska
Abstract: The paper examines territorial partnerships (TPs) exemplified by area-based rural partnerships (Local Action Groups — LAGs) situated in the Sub-Carpathian region (Poland). Distribution of membership, mechanism of their creation and decisive factors of their activities are identified. An imperative role of the local authorities in establishing and managing of LAGs has been uncovered. The hypotheses on the utilitarian attitude towards TPs, raised in the paper, hasn’t been entirely corroborated. The results of the research indicated local needs as the most important prerequisite of creating TPs. The conclusion of the analysis is that although LAGs stood in contradiction to the basic tenets of the LEADER approach, the partnership model of accomplishing common goals is likely to produce much added-value in the rural communities.
Keywords: Territorial partnership, Local Action Group, rural areas, Poland, LEADER 3