
Instructions for authors

The editors and editorial board of Contemporary European Studies welcome contributions following our manuscript guidelines.

Authors are encouraged to submit their articles electronically. Word (PC version) is the preferred format but WordPerfect and .rtf are acceptable.

Submissions should be sent as attachments to an e-mail message, sent to Enter the term ‘Submission’ on the “subject” line of the e-mail message.

Authors are invited to submit articles for publication that conform to the following criteria.

See also the Publication ethics.

Submission of manuscripts

Before uploading a manuscript, the following files should be prepared:

  1. A title page or covering letter including the full names of the authors, their academic or other professional affiliations, research interest and the complete mailing address, plus an electronic mail adress where applicable, and telephone and fax numbers.
  2. An abstract up to 150 words should precede the main text, accompanied by up to six key words.
  3. The full text of the manuscript (in English) with a list of references and notes. Essential notes should be indicated by superscript numbers and collected on a single page at the end of the text (above the list of references). Articles should not normally exceed 7000 words (including notes and references). Review articles should normally be no more than 4000 words in length. Book reviews should normally be between 800 and 1500 words.
  4. Title and section headings should be clear and brief.
  5. Length quotations (exceeding 40 words) should be displayed, indented, in the text. British or American spellings may be used. Use single quotations (‘popular’ not “popular”).
  6. Dates should be in the form 9 May 1994. Use 1930s, not thirties or 30s. Take out points in USA and other such abbreviations and do not use points after Dr; Mr; Mrs, etc.
  7. Tables and figures should have short, descriptive titles. All footnotes to tables and their source(s) should be typed below the tables. Column headings should clearly define the data presented. Grafs and diagrams (illustrations must be in a form suitable for reproduction without retouching.


Use the Harvard style of referencing. References cited in the text should read thus:

Smith (1994: 54-56), or (Smith 1994: 89-90), Brown and Smith (1985, 1990), (Smith 1984: 89-90, Jones 2001: 86).

Use ‘et al.’ when citing a work by more than two authors, e.g. (Brown et al. 1991).

The letters a, b, c, etc., should be used to distinguish citations of different works by the same author in the same year, e.g. (Brown 1975a, b). All references cited in the text should be listed alphabetically and presented in full after the notes (in the bibliography), in the following style:

Bartolini, Stefano and Peter Mair (1990) Identity, Competition, and Electoral Availability: The Stabilisation of European Electorates 1885-1985. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

Articles in books
Lawson, Kay (1988) ‘When Linkage Fails’, in Kay Lawson and Peter H. Merkl (eds) When Parties Fail: Emerging Alternative Organizations, pp. 13-38. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.

Articles in journals
Muller, Wolfgang C. (1993) ‘After the “Golden Age”: Research into Austrian Political Parties since the 1980s’, European Journal of Political Research 23: 439-63.

Articles that do not conform to the fundamentals of this style will be returned to the authors for revision.