Abstract Meislová
Czech Republic’s 2010 elections and foreign development cooperation
Monika Brusenbauch Meislová
Abstract: This study deals with one of the integral parts of the Czech foreign policy — foreign development cooperation — and its role in the Czech Republic’s 2010 general elections. The paper conducts an analysis of seven relevant Czech political parties’ election manifestos and programmes in relation to the agenda of foreign development cooperation. It aims to explore and compare how political parties have addressed the issue of foreign development cooperation and what importance they have attached to it. The subject of analysis includes five political parties that have won seats in the Chamber of Deputies of the Czech Parliament in 2010 (the Czech Social Democratic Party, the Civic Democratic Party, the TOP 09, the Communist Party of Bohemia and Moravia and Public Affairs) and two political parties that had been represented in the Chamber of Deputies in the previous term, but did not achieve the required 5 % election threshold in 2010 (the Christian Democratic Union-Czechoslovak People’s Party and the Green Party).
Keywords: Czech Republic, Political Parties, 2010 General Elections, Election Campaign, Election Programme, Foreign Development Cooperation